Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Online Methods For Finding a Math Tutor

Online Methods For Finding a Math TutorAre you looking for a way to find a math tutor? There are lots of ways to look for them. You can use an online lookup service to locate one that is right for you.Another way to look for a math tutor is to check with your math teacher. One thing that most teachers do is go online and search for tutors that they have used. They can be able to provide you with some good ones that they have used. It might be good to do this because it gives you an idea of the type of person they are and how they treat students.The other good thing about looking for tutors online is that you don't have to go through the process of going through the hassle of going up to a school and finding out if they have one that would be right for you. You can do it from home, so you save time and energy.If you really want to find a math tutor then you can also check with online software that can help you find one that you would like to meet. It can let you compare various tutors from different schools and you can choose which one you think would be best for you.One thing that you should be aware of is that there is no guarantee that you will find one that you would like to hire. The software can only tell you which school you would like to meet. They have no idea if the person you have in mind actually exists. You may not have the right experience and knowledge for that particular teacher, especially if he or she teaches a special math class.Sometimes, you have to take into consideration where you would like to enroll your child in. Some schools can help you find a teacher by doing background checks on their applicants. This will let you know who would be best for your child, so you can choose the one that would fit their needs best.It is very important to remember that finding a math tutor should not be taken lightly, because you want to make sure that you will get the one that would be best for your child. Before enrolling your child, you should do some research so that you know exactly what to expect from your tutor.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Academic Support The Link Between the Student, Tutor, and Parents

Academic Support The Link Between the Student, Tutor, and Parents How to Help Struggling Students ChaptersThe Increasingly Systematic Approach to Academic SupportWhat Are the Benefits of Academic Support Tutorials?Academic Support Tutorials: The Relationship between the Parents, Tutor, and ChildHiring Private TutorsAcademic support isn’t simple. The child’s parents and their private tutor need to put their all into their work.Private tutorials are very involved. Not just for the tutor. In fact, we could describe it as a team that includes the tutor, the parents, and the student. Each one needs to work together in different ways.They all have the same goal, though: to help the student improve their grades, pass an exam, avoid resits, and get into good universities.If you're looking for academic success, it doesn't hurt for students to have someone providing them with supplemental instruction.While some schools and universities offer workshops, drop-ins, peer tutoring, and collaborative student learning sessions, in this article, we're going to focus mainly on how students can gain important academic skills and benefit from private one on one tutorials rather than the services offered at school or on campus. Let’s have a look at how this works...Not every private tutor has to be a qualified teacher, either. This is because private tutorials only objective is to improve their grades.The parents know this and the tutor knows this. However, since the child might not be aware, let’s have a look at how this works.Academic Support Tutorials: The Relationship between the Parents, Tutor, and ChildThe parents, the tutor, and the child need to all trust one another to ensure that the academic support is successful. This is true for whatever service the parents are looking for:Homework helpSupport tutorialsTutorials for failing studentsCatchup tutorialsTutorials for getting into universityExam and test prep (GCSE, A Level, etc.)Longterm supportHoliday tutorialsTo help you and your child achieve your learning goals, Superprof recommends looking for academic suppo rt tutorials precisely because the best tutors are gifted in adapting their teaching style to every student they work with.Maybe you’ve been thinking about it but aren’t convinced. Let’s see what it’s all about...The Relationship Between Parents and ChildrenMost parents worry about their child’s education. They worry even more so if the child happens to be failing or struggling at school. It’s true that we often don’t know what to do in situations like this. You can’t always fix it with a few kind words or a telling off.  The child needs to assess why they’re struggling.Getting the results you're after with private tutorials will have you jumping for joy! (Source: jill111)Parents can get academic support for children who aren’t struggling, too. You can get them for children with big ambitions. We’re talking about those applying to top universities and competitive courses. It can help improve their grades.Put simply, in 99% of cases, it’s the parents who decid e that it’s time to get private tutorials. Not the child. In this respect, you’ll need to sit down and talk with them and mention that you’re going to get academic support tutorials for them. You should make this clear that it’s to help them rather than punish them.Your child should be aware that you’re paying for these private tutorials. It can be quite the sacrifice for some families. They should, therefore, take their lessons seriously to get a return on the investment.The Relationship Between the Parents and the TutorYou need to talk about trust.  Whether it’s to catch up, help a struggling student, or get into a top university, you’ve decided to place your trust in a private tutor.In some cases, you have to invite someone that you’ve only spoken to on the internet into your home. You have to trust them a lot. You need to ensure that you’re choosing the right tutor for academic support tutorials.You need to ask every tutor you meet the right questions. It’s i mportant to know whether they are the right person for the job and the right person to provide academic support tutorials to your child.The tutor needs to earn your trust. They’re professionals dedicated to academic support. The goal is never to finish the programme as quickly as possible but rather get the right results: improved grades.It should be noted that this s a professional vocation and a tutor needs to be paid accordingly.The Relationship Between the Tutor and the StudentThe relationship between the tutor and the student is the cornerstone of the whole thing. If it doesn’t work, the academic support won’t be effective.A tutor has to have a great rapport with their students! (Source: ValeriaRodrigues)If the two get on well, the results will be well beyond anything you expected.  The tutor needs to adapt to their new student. They need to learn how to speak to them. They need to establish their needs in order to get the most out of their time together. If the student h as some serious struggles, the academic support tutor will have the mammoth task of trying to resolve them.This is when academic support becomes more psychological than theoretical. School can cause some real problems for certain students that can’t be solved at the drop of a hat. Instead, they can be solved in a number of subtle ways.Having a tutor there advising and mentoring the student can be really beneficial. Tuition can help them learn valuable study skills for taking exams and this means the learner can succeed not just in the subjects they're being tutored in, but also improve their grades in other subjects, too.Tutors can provide help with various study strategies, note taking, and preparing for university, either by guiding them through the admission process and helping them apply to the university they want to go to.This is also useful for gifted students who are looking for funding or a scholarship. For a lot of scholarships, students are expected to complete an assig nment. A tutor who's familiar with the process can help them put this together.Hiring Private TutorsIf you're looking for private tutors or just an academic advisor, don't forget that a lot of the tutors on Superprof offer free tutoring for the first hour. While they probably won't provide much academic coaching or tuition during this hour, it can be useful to see what kind of tutor they are and whether it's worth scheduling more in the future.If you're concerned about the cost of hiring private tutors, you could also consider getting a tutor to do a group tutorial or a workshop for several students at once. While these sessions will be more like a seminar at college or university, students can get far more out of them than they otherwise would in the larger classes they're used to at school.Whether they're at primary school, secondary school, sixth form, college, or university (undergraduate and postgraduate), any student can benefit from having someone there to assist them with th eir studies during the academic year and the holidays.Now find out about the growing idea that academic support could replace traditional academic learning...

5 Test Prep New Years Resolutions

5 Test Prep New Years Resolutions Happy New Year from AJ Tutoring! The turn of the calendar page to January always brings with it a renewed resolve to set ambitious goals. This year, why dont you think about making some test prep resolutions? Here are 5 goals to get you started in 2014:Create a testing schedule for junior and senior year.   You may have heard the adage Failing to plan is planning to fail.   While harsh, this statement is mostly accurate for standardized testing and college admissions.   By now, juniors should have a concrete plan for when theyre going to take the SAT, ACT, and any SAT subject tests.   Its a good idea to complete a full round of testing by the end of junior year, saving the fall of senior year for retakes.   Many students take the SAT in March, the ACT in April, and SAT subject tests in May and June.Look at your PSAT scores and honestly assess your strengths and weaknesses.   By now, most juniors should have received their 2013 PSAT scores.   PSAT scores are a good predictor of SAT pe rformance, so use that data to your advantage!   Adding a zero to the end of a PSAT score gives you the approximate SAT score.   The PSAT score sheet also includes valuable information on your performance in each section for instance, if you aced algebra but struggled with geometry.   And if youre missing a lot of easy questions, watch out for careless mistakes!   Use this information to focus your SAT review on your weaknesses.Consider taking the ACT.   Colleges accept both the SAT and the ACT for admissions purposes.   Most students perform similarly on each test, but some students do much better on the ACT.   The ACT is more straightforward but faster-paced than the SAT.   If youre wondering whether the ACT would be a good fit for you, read more about it here.Decide how youre going to study for the SAT and ACT.   We hope that youll tutor with AJ Tutoring for your standardized tests.   Were proud of our SAT and ACT curriculum and our passionate, professional tutors!   However, ev en if you dont work with us, you should have a plan of attack in place.   Students get into trouble when they assume they can manage this test prep thing on their own, and then put off studying until a couple weeks before the test.   The SAT and ACT are NOT cram tests.   Unlike your tests in school, the SAT and ACT dont require you to store large volumes of information in your short-term memory, only to be forgotten when the test is over.   The SAT and ACT are critical reasoning tests that reward methodical preparation and a strategic approach.Make progress towards your test prep goal every day.   Whether you want to increase your SAT score by 50 points or 500 points, youll only get there through consistent effort.   Goal-achieving gurus (see Jerry Seinfeld, for example) recognize that its not short bursts of sporadic effort that help you achieve your goals its making a little progress every day until it becomes a habit.   You dont need to take a practice SAT every day.   Even doin g a few math problems or reviewing 20 vocabulary words will eventually make a difference.   Consider using apps like Habit Streak or Commit to track your progress with a specific test prep goal.Good luck with achieving your goals in 2014!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Increasing Your Return on Investment in College

Increasing Your Return on Investment in College ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog Over the past several decades, the cost of college has been rising at a much faster rate than people’s income in the United States. What this means is that it`s effectively become a lot more expensive to go to college. The value of the entire decision to attend is being reevaluated. Many articles are being written about this â€" here’s one example. This means a few things. For one, it means that students need to be more and more careful about which colleges they choose to go to and secondly, it means that students need to think long and hard about how to increase their return on investment when they decide to go to college. And so what we`d like to do is spend a little bit of time here thinking about that second point, increasing your return on investment when you decide to go to college. Then at the end of this post, we`ll come back and talk about that first point which is choosing which college to attend. College is a unique investment in that you can really control the return that you get from it. Let`s assume college costs $25,000 a year, so that`s $100,000 to get a degree, assuming you finish it in four years. Let’s consider that investment versus an investment in, for example, the stock market. Well, with the stock market, you buy some stock for $100,000 and while you can choose which stocks you buy, once you buy them, you just sit back and wait and see how they do. College is very different because you can control what that $100,000 returns to you in “value.” If you take that $100,000 and you basically “buy” a degree from a mid-tier school, party a lot and get a C average, well, the return that you get on that investment will be relatively low in the form of a less prestigious job or a lower salary, et cetera. Compare that to taking $100,000 and spending it on a degree in engineering from Harvard, for example. Well, that degree is going to be worth so much more, therefore the return on that $100,000 is going to be so much higher. It might seem obvious, but it’s an important point to think about. You should start thinking about this concept early, well before you`re even ready to go to college. Of course the concept would apply both for college and graduate school for those that are getting PhDs, MBAs or law degrees. The better that you do in high school (i.e,. higher GPA, more activities, etc.), the better position you`ll be to make those dollars that you`re going to invest in a college degree more valuable. If you don`t get the right grades or the right test scores in high school, you`re not in a good position to get into the type of a college that gives you a high return on your investment. So that`s the important thing to think about - college is an investment, but one where you can control the return on that investment. In a future blog post, we`ll touch upon the first point that we started off making - students might just want to think long and hard about which colleges make the most sense for them, based on the value of the degree they’ll have once they graduate relative to the tuition cost being charged. They also might want to begin thinking much harder about how AP classes, summer school, and online courses can help reduce the cost of college my increasing the number of credits they can transfer in. But that’s a topic for another time. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});

How Can You Help Your Lack Of Sleep

How Can You Help Your Lack Of Sleep Photo Via: Insomnia is a major issue for many human beings, but while your first instinct might be to grab some pills and call it a day, many doctors are now advising individuals that pills often have dangerous side effects, so counseling might be a better alternative. In fact, counseling often does work, though the stigma that goes along with it prompts many to avoid it. According to Dr. Wayne Riley, the president of the American College of Physicians, “The evidence is quite strong that cognitive behavioral therapy is effective. It works. It’s long-lasting and it has the potential to decrease cost to the health care system.” After looking at research on insomnia by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Riley said, “We looked at 10 years of very strong research studies that looked at the effects of cognitive behavioral therapy and other interventions in terms of improving sleep for patients who have chronic insomnia.” According to NBC news, “Between 6 percent and 10 percent of U.S. adults have insomnia serious enough to be considered a clinical disorder.” And according to Dr. Amir Qaseem, “Insomnia is more common in women and older adults and can occur independently or be caused by another disease. People with the disorder often experience fatigue, poor cognitive function, mood disturbance, and distress or interference with personal functioning.” And while sleeping pills are a seemingly positive fix, the opposite might actually be true. They actually carry risks along with them. Pills as common as Ambien and Restoril could actually double your risk of getting in a car crash. Why? According to the FDA, these drugs actually remain in the bloodstream at very high levels, so high that they can interfere with your morning commute. The FDA has since required makers to lower the recommended doses, but this doesn’t fix the problem, especially if users aren’t adhering to the recommended dose. According to Riley, “Americans do tend to be over medicated for sleep. That’s why there’s a significant cost to the healthcare system. But also the potential side-effects of sleep medications are underestimated.” On top of these, there isn’t even conclusive evidence as to whether or not these drugs are actually helping people sleep. And for those that think tea is an alternative, there’s little evidence suggesting these alternative therapies are useful. Therapy, however, is proven to work. According to Riley, “Cognitive behavior therapy at the beginning is hard to do but once you get through the initial phase it’s lifelong. It’s durable.” One of the biggest reveals of this study though is that the importance of therapy stems from overthinking when it comes time to go to sleep. According to Riley, “Cognitive behavioral therapy will give you the tools and the techniques and little tricks to sort of say between 5 and 8 p.m. I’m going to have all my worries on the table here. I’m going to worry about my kids dental appointment tomorrow or the big project at work but at about 9 o’clock, I’m going to set that aside and I’m going to relax and release and think about a nice beach scene somewhere or something that will put me in the mood that will be more conducive for sleep.” This study doesn’t just tell you that bedtime is time to put away your worries, but also your electronics. Not just because they are distracting, but also because smart phones and tablets, TVs and even computer screens can actually disrupt your normal sleep patterns. The full study gives guidelines for individuals to follow when it comes to going to bed, but simple things like turning off electronics and unwinding with a book to avoid stressing about your day go a long way, and you might just get some extra, much needed, sleep.

5 Ways Parents can Prevent Learning Loss over Summer Vacation - ALOHA Mind Math

5 Ways Parents can Prevent Learning Loss over Summer Vacation “The more you read the more things you know. The more you learn the more places you go.” Dr. Seuss. Non-structured days, swimming, playing ball, bicycling, and camp are just some of the summer activities children love during their three month hiatus from reading, writing, arithmetic and other studies. However, this lax and non-educational routine harms children. Do you remember each fall revisiting the material you already knew? That is because teachers must spend 4 to 6 weeks reviewing concepts and lessons taught the previous year for those who did not retain the material during the summer vacation. According the Johns Hopkins University Center for Summer Learning, on average, students lose approximately 2.6 months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation skills during their summer vacation. What can be done to prevent brain drain? Enroll your child in your library’s summer reading program. Instead of your child watching television or playing videogames, head to the library and ask for assistance in locating books on superheroes, horses, or whatever interests them. Each summer most libraries offer reading programs for adults and children. Libraries may offer participants prizes and programs during and after the program ends. Read to your child.When parents spend time reading to their young children, they are more apt to learn and improve language and social skills. This in turn also develops confidence. Select a regular time to read to your child and eventually this could become a highly anticipated activity. Limit Electronics.Turn off the TV, computer, phone, tablet, and handheld games. There are between one and five types of electronics in most households. Children and adults are attached to their mobile devices more than ever before, even multitasking while watching television. A year ago psychologist Dr Aric Sigman told the BBC that the average 10 year-old had access to five different screens at home. He stated that the prolonged screen time could lead to reductions in a child’s attention span because of its effects on the brain, leading to screen addiction. Incorporate math activities into the daily schedule. Number sense is important for your child’s success. For example, children could review counting random items to everyday math, such as helping set the table and counting out the correct number of utensils for family members. Learn and enhance children’s fraction knowledge with music.Students participating in a study learning fractions involving music scored 50 percent higher on tests than their peers who learned from traditional instruction methods. “Academic Music” article Educational Studies in Mathematics October 2012 Volume 81, Issue 2 pp. 251-278 then republished by Scientific American. No doubt children are exuberant for summer vacation, as are their teachers. In order for them to avoid significant loss of learning over the summer, children need regular skill building, problem solving, and enrichment activities to retain and enrich what they learned during the school year and excel. Contact ALOHA Mind Math for further assistance and for summer reading and math program specials.

9 Ways to Make Money as a College Student

9 Ways to Make Money as a College Student When you cant cut spending anymore, its time to bring in more money! Options like these can make a big difference on your financial situation and help you  take control of your finances: Catering Get a part-time job as a caterer.  Youll develop great multi-tasking skills and it shows employers that youre an  extremely organized  person. Becoming a human guinea pig You can try everything from medical tests to market research. Being a test subject  can be an interesting and educational way to spend your time and earn some money. Working as a campus brand representative Brands will pay you to represent them on your college campus:  passing out samples, posting about the brand on social media, etc. Tutoring Are you a good tutor?  Have you ever considered becoming a private tutor? Services like TutorZ help you  connect with students to offer tutoring and  coaching. Driving For Lyft Or Uber Have a car and some spare time? Great way to earn some extra money is driving for  Lyft  or  Uber. Working as a tech support  agent You can help clients with social media or get paid for teaching  older people how  to use modern technology. Running errands for people You can do things like go grocery shopping, pay bills, and go to the Post Office or pharmacy. Babysitting You think its for high school students only? Think again. Parents would prefer an older, more responsible college student watching their kids. Buy and Resell Textbooks You can buy textbooks online at sites like  eBay  and resell them at a site like  BookScouter. The hours are super flexible. 9 Ways to Make Money as a College Student When you cant cut spending anymore, its time to bring in more money! Options like these can make a big difference on your financial situation and help you  take control of your finances: Catering Get a part-time job as a caterer.  Youll develop great multi-tasking skills and it shows employers that youre an  extremely organized  person. Becoming a human guinea pig You can try everything from medical tests to market research. Being a test subject  can be an interesting and educational way to spend your time and earn some money. Working as a campus brand representative Brands will pay you to represent them on your college campus:  passing out samples, posting about the brand on social media, etc. Tutoring Are you a good tutor?  Have you ever considered becoming a private tutor? Services like TutorZ help you  connect with students to offer tutoring and  coaching. Driving For Lyft Or Uber Have a car and some spare time? Great way to earn some extra money is driving for  Lyft  or  Uber. Working as a tech support  agent You can help clients with social media or get paid for teaching  older people how  to use modern technology. Running errands for people You can do things like go grocery shopping, pay bills, and go to the Post Office or pharmacy. Babysitting You think its for high school students only? Think again. Parents would prefer an older, more responsible college student watching their kids. Buy and Resell Textbooks You can buy textbooks online at sites like  eBay  and resell them at a site like  BookScouter. The hours are super flexible.